The hearty sea buckthorn berry is one of the oldest inhabitants on earth. The berries contain a cocktail of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, E, F, K, and P). The yellow to red color of the berries is due to their high content of beta-carotene. Used in a mask, the berries create an environment to heal, nourish and restore the skin. By stimulating the growth of skin cells, diminishing inflammation, and improving skin elasticity, sea buckthorn can aid in wrinkle reduction. The oil from sea buckthorn berries can treat: rosacea, acne, eczema, dermatitis, dry skin, wounds, and scars. The Bello Moi Recovery Antioxidant Masque contains the wonder berries along with soothing aloe and oatmeal. DMAE, the free- radical fighter, and the amazing ginkgo biloba are also included in the restorative mask. Bello Moi products improve the skin from the inside also. They include an Antioxidant Anti-Aging Tea made from sea buckthorn and the goji berry, which is a powerhouse of antioxidants.
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