Stop thinking about the hot flashes and address what is going on with menopausal skin. There are four main concerns when the hormone levels start dropping; dry skin creating wrinkles, dull skin, discoloration, and even acne.
As estrogen levels fall, many women first notice their skin is much drier than before. This is a common finding, but if not addressed can lead to premature fine wrinkling around the eyes and mouth. A good way to hydrate the skin without excessive greasiness is to use a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid helps to restore moisture levels to the skin because it actively attracts water.

After years of sun exposure, the skin takes a toll and discoloration pops up in random areas. Age spots become more pronounced. Products with the whitening agent arbutin, liquorice, and niacinamide all help reduce the pigment problems. Lightening Rejuvenating Creme by Bello Moi is a treatment that contains these important skin lighteners to reduce hyper-pigmentation. The cream also contains glycolic acid that exfoliates and brightens the skin.
Acne around the mouth and jawline is another menopausal skin concern due to fluctuating hormone levels. Topical spot treatments with salicylic acid can be helpful to dry up the breakouts.
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